Water Management Products
Refer to individual product specification sheets for detailed applications and rates. Download as PDF
Product | Formulation | Application | Benefits |
Granules 1000-2000 microns 2000-4000 microns | Crosslinked poiyacrylamide potassium based | Landscaping/ Greenhouse/ Nursery | Reduces plant waterings and transplanting shock. Increases plant establishment. |
Soil Moist Hydro 100-700 microns | Crosslinked polyacrylamidepotassium based | Hydroseeding/ Bare-root packing medium | Increases turf establishment with less waterings. Reduces shipping cost and plant loss. |
Soil Moist Fines 50-500 microns | Crosslinked polyacrylamidepotassium based | Bare-root dip/ Packing medium | Reduces transplant shock. Increases establishment. Reduces shipping cost and plant loss. |
Soil Moist Seed Coat | Crosslinked polyacrylamide with graphite compounds | Seed coating/ Drop & spread seeding | Increases seed germination. |
Soil Moist Spikes | Crosslinked polyacrylamide with and without 3-4 month timed release fertilizer | Interiorscaping/ Container plants | Reduces plant waterings. Increases plant establishment. |
Soil Moist Disks 1" & 2" Diameter | Crosslinked polyacrylamide with an 8-9 month timed release 10-1 0-1 0 fertilizer | Landscaping/Nursery | Reduces plant waterings. Increases plant establishment. |
Soil Moist Plus | Crosslinked polyacrylamide with an 8-9 month timed release 7-7-7 fertilizer | Landscaping/ Nursery | Reduces plant waterings. Increases plant establishment. |
Soil Moist Mats | Crosslinked polyacrylamide potassium based crystals woven into a degradable cloth material | Landscaping/ Greenhouse/ Nursery | Reduces plant waterings and transplanting shock. Increases plant establishment. Easy to apply |
Soil Moist Paks | Crosslinked poiyacrylamide potassium based crystals in a degradable pre-measured pouch/tea bag | Landscaping/ Greenhouse/ Nursery | Reduces plant waterings and transplanting shock. Increases plant establishment. Pre-measured pouch - easy to apply. |
Soil Moist Paks Plus | Crosslinked poiyacrylamide potassium based crystals in a degradable pre-measured pouch/tea bag and a 8-9 month, 9-3-6 timed released fertilizer | Landscaping/ Greenhouse/ Nursery | Reduces plant waterings and transplanting shock. Increases plant establishment Add nutrients for an extended period of time. Pre-measured, easy to apply. |
Product | Formulation | Application | Benefits |
Transplant | Endo/Ectomycorrhizal fungi plus beneficial bacteria and polymer | Landscaping/ Nursery | Increases plant establishment with less water and fertilizer. |
Transplant Paks | Endo/Ectomycorrhizal fungi plus beneficial bacteria | Landscaping/ Nursery | Increases plant establishment with less water and fertilizer. |
Transplant 3-3-3 | Endo/Ectomycorrhizal fungi plus beneficial bacteria with 8-9 month timed released fertilizer | Landscaping/ Nursery | Increases plant establishment with less water and fertilizer. |
Flower Bed | Endomycorrhizal fungi plus beneficial bacteria and polymer | Landscaping Nursery | Increases plant establishment with less water and fertilizer. |
Flower and Garden Plus | Endomycorrhizalfungi plus beneficial bacteria and polymer | Landscaping | Increases plant establishment with less water and fertilizer. |
Injectable | Micronized Endo/ Ectomycorrhizal fungi with beneficial bacteria | Landscaping for existing plants and trees | Increases plant establishment with less water and fertilizer. |
Root Dip Ecto/Endo Ecto only | Endo/EctomycorrhizalFungi with beneficial bacteria and polymer bare root dip | Landscaping/Nursery | Increases plant establishment with less water and fertilizer. |
Vertimulch | Endo/Ectomycorrhizal fungi plus beneficial bacteria and polymer | Landscaping as a vertimulch | Increases plant establishment with less water and fertilizer. |
Plant Tabs | Endo/Ectomycorrhizal fungi plus beneficial bacteria | Landscaping/ Nursery | Increases plant establishment with less water and fertilizer. |
Ecto Tabs | Ectomycorrhizal fungi plus beneficial bacteria | Landscaping/ Nursery | Increases plant establishment with less water and fertilizer. |
Product | Formulation | Application | Benefits |
Fl-1000 | Anionic linear polymer | Agriculture/ Landscape | Reduce soil loss. |
Fl-2000 | Anionic linear emulsion polymer | Agriculture | Reduce soil loss. |
Fl-3500 | Anionic linear polymer-tablet | Agriculture/ Landscape | Reduce soil loss storm water runoff. |
FI-2050L | Anionic linear emulsion polymer | Agriculture/ Landscape | Reduce soil loss storm water runoff mulch tacking agent, |