Pre-measured packets store water & reduce plant waterings by 50%.
Soil Moist Paks
Soil Moist Paks contain water storing polymer crystals in a premeasured biodegradable packet or "tea bag." The paks are designed to reduce plant waterings by 50% and the gel will last several seasons.
Soil Moist Paks Plus container water storing polymer crystals and an 8-9 month timed release 9-3-6 fertilizer.
The easy to apply products are ideal potted plants, hanging baskets, vegetables, trees, shrubs and more. Each retail unit contains 6 packets. Use one packet per 10" pot or 3 foot tall tree/shrub.
Simply place the proper amount of paks into the empty pot or planting hole. Must be incorporated at the root level - do not top dress.
Benefits of Soil Moist Natural
- Reduce plant waterings by 50%
- Gel lasts several seasons
- Biodegradable packet


Soil Moist Paks bag and counter display (SMP)

Soil Moist Paks Plus bag and counter display (SMPP)